Full Version: if i was ken i would start the... - everyone but sleeper and arpi! thread
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hey, if they insist on continually trying to steal my spot on the couch they can deal with the consequences
Tricia is cruel
i am not. anyway i'm being punished. i just got my first "welcome to the board" im from an guy and i'm so fucking bored i replied to him. please, somebody do something to entertain me...
I farted to warm myself last night when waiting for the bus after work.
thank you gonzo, you entertained me for 30 seconds. who's next?
Thats how long the warmth lasted when I farted. I was so cold, there's only 2 buses every hour that come by after 1:AM. My co-workers finally said I am the sickest bastard they ever worked with, it took a while but they finally realized it last night.
good to see you're making friends already
It's a gift I guess, I dunno if they all appreciate the sickness though. Some people refuse to talk to me but I don't like them anyway fuckin' prudes. I farted while I was typing this.
And here I thought you were the type of guy who is goofy here but serious at work...
I didn't care for Goldmember either - rehashes of rehashed jokes just aren't funny. Beyonce was fuckin' hot, though!

I shit twice today, both were equally pleasing (one was a little muddy though).

I haven't farted yet today, which is odd - should I be concerned?
Quote:I farted to warm myself last night when waiting for the bus after work.

Ever hear of borrowing moms car.
I started 0-5 and now i'm 9-5 in fantasy football. I wish I was a hot young supermodel so i could suck Tom Brady's dick.
Quote:And here I thought you were the type of guy who is goofy here but serious at work...

I actually am very serious while working, they keep telling me I should let loose a bit at work. They keep saying I work too hard and should ease back. It's when we close up and are cleaning that I let loose a bit, what they consider me being sick for you all would take me being tame for.
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