Full Version: Your weekend - Pleas share with the class
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oh, Danked & I are married now.
you can't leave the town without getting sucked into a Wedding Chapel :rofl:
i stayed at the monte carlo both times i was there
fremont street was cool as Hell!

[Image: FREMONT%20STREET.jpg]

sadly, old las vegas sucks. the strip is awesome.

[Image: fremont.jpg]

Edited By LZMF1 on 1039542792
old Vegas looks like AC

the light show theme was Disco

and stole some glasses (filled w/drinks) from the Golden Nugget
went looking for the nugget, but didn't see it
a 61lb 11oz gold nugget, supposedly the world's largest

the Golden Gate Hotel is right there too
built in 1906, it's the oldest hotel there
I had gorgonzola so, nyah.
Pffffffffft... I had a Blue Iguana mexican pizza. And I didn't finish it.
Did you bring some back for the rest of the class?
We left it as a tip for the tiny housekeeping lady.
i wasn't in vegas, but i did see cky. :bouncer:
"Pssssssssst.... got any uppers?" Rolleyes

I'm tired, let's stay in and watch tv :poke:
I did rented movies & downloaded songs since I broke my wrist. :angry:
i've never been to alaska :-(

i worked my ass off saturday, went out got drunk. sunday i vegged out on the couch and watched football
... I did nothing, so now I must do something this upcoming weekend, since it will be the first weekend ever, in the entire history of man, that I am alive at the age of 22...
So how much did you win?

Downtown Vegas rocks if you go to gamble primarily. Laid back, better payback then the strip and lots of local women. :loveya:
I've got a friend who says he pretty much gets laid anywhere he goes. Came back from Vegas and said he hated it because he couldn't get laid there. :lol:

I put up Christmas lights in the windows and got a new cellphone. Blew my "going-out" money for the weekend.

Now, I'm in Los Angeles for most of the week. Not bragging. I'm too busy with work to enjoy it and I'll be back in NYC before the weekend.

Of course, it is quite a bit warmer here. :thumbs-up:
Spent it in PA (which sucked) and Jersey (which didn't).
I worked....and worked some more
Let's see... qualudes. That's all I remember.

Wait, and some blood. I know there was some blood in there somewhere.
look what the cat drug in! :banana:
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