Full Version: fuck you united health care - fuck you in the goat ass
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:fuckoff: my insuarance company sucks.

they won't let me get the proper medication that makes my migraines go away. they are only allowing me 9 pills for 34 days. 9 PILLS FOR 34 DAYS! they are telling my that i can only be stabbed in the eye with a screwdriveer 9 times in 34 days. i wish! i wish it only happened 9 times.

they can fucking eat me.

sorry. i had a bad day & my fucking headache won't go away. you know why????? cause i don't have my fucking meds you assholes!
Quote:fuck you in the goat ass
what does my ass have to do with you not getting enough pills????

seriously, sorry to hear that - health care sucks all around, but unfortunately we don't have much of a choice other than to deal with it. I'm still getting sent hospital bills from memorial Day when i threw my back out - and according to my HMO the bill has been paid but the hospital says the HMO refuses to pay, so I should.
yeah next year my co pay goes up from $10 to $25. Fuck united healthcare you fucking c suckers.
My job decided to longer carry my health insurance company I've had for the past 8 years. Now, I get to spend more money a month for health insurance (over $100) and have to find all new doctors. I tell ya, the health insurance companies have us by the balls....
Yes, insurance companies suck...but it's still better than having NO insurance at all.

They probably assume that someone could not get more than 9 migraines in a month, hence, they only allow that many pills. Or, maybe the pills are highly addictive. Whatever the reason, I agree, it's stupid.

Have you done anything to find out what might be causing them?
i haven't had insurance since 98. sometimes i think maybe that's just as well

good luck with your noggin dru, i'll be sending some positive energies your way to keep it down to 9 a month Undecided
Quote:you're sweet

Great, now pat me on the head and tell me I am 'special', so i can feel like a full fledged retard.
Isn't it a tad late for that?
My avatar can whip your punk ass avatars ass.
Probablly, but that's because they would outnumber one man by how many people?
Fake ass 'rapper'
Dru, I had the same problem with Empire.....I get cluster migraines and go through about 12 pills in 30 days. I had my Doc write a letter of medical necessity for Empire. They really couldn't argue with him.... Now I get 12 pills very 20 days. Migraine meds are uber expensive!

Have you tried feverfew, riboflavin, folic acid, and magnesium? At the right doses they can help.

Feel better, sweetie!
Quote:Fake ass 'rapper'

Why so hostile?
Cause I got the new Canibus CD.
And it evoked rage within you, interesting. But how do you link Canibus to my avatar exactly?
thanks jinny. i really do have to look into other medications. cause this is fucking rediculous.
Anytime, Dru.... :thumbs-up:

Something you may want to try:

My sister used to get migraines all the time. Her pediatrician gave her a list (wish I still had it) of product types that might cause them. She spent a month or two tring different shampoos, perfumes, ect... to see which she was using when she got migraines. Sometimes a certain smell ( like a scent in her shampoo) was the cause.

I'm not saying this is the cause of your migraines, but what could it hurt to switch shampoos for a few days?
I always get migraines when there is very bad weather....low pressure in the atmosphere
Go to Canada...prices are way cheaper on meds...some med prices are cheaper without the Rx card
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