Full Version: fuck you united health care - fuck you in the goat ass
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thanks jinny. i really do have to look into other medications. cause this is fucking rediculous.
Anytime, Dru.... :thumbs-up:

Something you may want to try:

My sister used to get migraines all the time. Her pediatrician gave her a list (wish I still had it) of product types that might cause them. She spent a month or two tring different shampoos, perfumes, ect... to see which she was using when she got migraines. Sometimes a certain smell ( like a scent in her shampoo) was the cause.

I'm not saying this is the cause of your migraines, but what could it hurt to switch shampoos for a few days?
I always get migraines when there is very bad weather....low pressure in the atmosphere
yeah, that's what my father told me about. i might have to do that.

i switch up my shampoos a lot. i know that anything peachy give me a headache. so do things that are cherry & strawberry flavored. (mostly jolly ranchers).

bad weather used to be the trigger. now they happen all the time. i think it has a lot to do with my caffeine addiction. they say too much gives me a headache, but i'm wrecked if i go without it too.

poop Undecided
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