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Watch out, one day Arpi is gonna be rockin on MTV and you'll all be buying tickets to see his show.
:thumbs-up: he'll be the next Keith Richards
If he wears a tie and grows his hair long, I am so fucking him.
which is more of a draw the tie or the hair?
both, gotta have both.
Quote:jersey blows, everything happens in jersey. its not fair
before this actually becomes an issue. linden is only 3 or 4 stops on the train from penn station. so if you can get to the city, you can get there. come on, if i'm willing to go there it can't be bad...
train station is about 1 1/2 miles from the lanes
I'm sure we will be able to set up some car pools if need be, everyone is always willing to lend a hand. If I will be driving it would be my pleasure to drive anyone in comin from my way.
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