Full Version: inconsiderate  people - like plumbers or the cable guy
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eat his soul
don't they usually give a huge window of time nowadays? Like between 9am and 4 pm?

I don't know about plumbers, but last time I called the cable guy, he came fairly quickly.

But I agree, the fact that these people can keep your day tied up because they're late is a real pain in the ass.

Edited By goatweed on 1039804632
douchebag!!! the plumber just called me and said he'd be here in an my day is basically wasted.
it would be funny if now he didn't show up at all :lol:

<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>sorry dude</span>
Is your wife gonna be mad that you didn't do her laundry and scrub the toilets by the time she got home from work?
LOL!!! the cleaning ladies were here at 7:45 this morning.
the frickin 'gaggle' of cleaning people
I hope the cute one clipped your toe nails this time ;-)
After the plumber finishes the job, waste as much time "looking" for your wallet to pay him as he was late.

Pay-back's a bitch.

i may just go piss all over the toilet and around the base of it because that's what he has to fix. i think it's the wax seal that's shot.
But then you'll have to be the one to mop it up.
What do you use to cut down on mildew build up near the shower or tub?
I'm sure he's seen worst then that. A little piss is nothing to a plumber. They get elbow deep in shit.

I'm sure he'd just add a "cleaning" charge to the bill for his trouble.
he still hasn't gotten there yet?
A L L E G E D L Y he's on his way
"Well being that it's after five p.m. I'm going to have to charge you double."
wow!!! the dude is actually here. only 5 hours late.
that's manual labor. something i stopped doing years ago.
danked, i make a mean quiche too!
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