Full Version: smoke free nyc - good or bad?
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Quote:when they first brought up the idea of banning smoking, I thought this might be a way around it. You could make the place a "private club" by just charging, for example, a membership fee for a buck, and only allowing members and their "guests" but I guess it doesn't work. Back to that old employee technicality.
They have something similiar to this in Utah, only it is for drinking. You can't even walk into a bar unless you are a member or the guest of a member.
I think this is the most ridiculous law ever. All these people who complain about second hand smoke are the same ones who frequent the bars now. They walk in knowing there's going to be smokers there, but make the choice to go in anyhow. I think it should be the bar owner's decision if smoking should be allowed in their establishment. They already have to pay large amounts of money to have the bar, they should be able to do with it as they please.
Momma didn't raise no quitter.
So I went to Bar 9 last night, and now everything that I wore to Bar 9 completely smells like smoke. Bad. I don't smoke at all. But hey, I went to a bar, if I didn't expect exactly that to happen, I would be pretty fuckin stupid. Even so, it would be kinda nice to come home and not smell like smoke.

Seriously though people, can you honestly say that you didn't expect this? And if it doesn't pass now, do you honestly think that it won't be passed within 10 years - regardless of who the fuckin mayor is?

Think about it..... 20 years ago (or less, even) you used to be able to smoke literally everywhere. Offices, restaurants (none of this "section" stuff), AIRPLANES, everywhere. It's slowly been cutting down and cutting down over the years, and this is just that last step that boots you guys out of your last safe zone and into the one place that they'd have to come up with a pretty fuckin hefty argument to ban - outside.

Seems to me that when smokers started being restricted to sections, non-smokers realized they had power, the power to not have to deal with smoke anymore.... it's not gonna stop till it's everywhere.... might as well just enjoy the ride, get used to going outside, cause if it doesn't happen now, it will.
well, they've voted, now it just needs Asshole's signature... :fuckoff:
Monday night, I was in the city, and we happened to be up in the Rockafeller Center area. So we decided to swing past the tree. When we walked through there, there was a woman standing, maybe 50 ft from the tree, and a cop told her she wasn't allowed to smoke there. And yes, it was outside.

So I guess they've already put this into effect without a bill being passed.
You're not allowed to smoke in certain places that are outdoors though. I know you're not allowed to smoke ANYWHERE in Yankee Stadium, but Shea has designated smoking areas. It always freaks me out in AC when people are smoking everywhere since I'm not used to it.
that sucks do you think they could get to the point it's totally illegal, because they finally decie it;s a drug & is bad for us.

:fuggin: legalize hemp :lol:
Awww too bad, you can't smoke. well you know what, when you smoke the residue of your plesure is smoke. It bothers me, it makes my hair and clothes smell. I can't breathe, start coughing etc. Well I like beer, the residue of my pleasure is urine. Can I pee all over your face and hair and clothes???? Confusedneak:
the worst thing about going out for me is the smoke. i have really fucked up allergies, so if i am close to being sick & i go out one night, i am totally fcuked for the next few days. i hate smoke. i don't hate smokers, i have just always hated the smell.

it was so nice to go out in california & come back & not reek.

i'm sorry, but i really can't wait for it to start.
Quote:I've never smoked but I agree that this is yet another violation of our liberties as US citizens. I've never really been bothered by second hand smoke, and I question how much it really affects people, especially when you have the choice of a smoking or non-smoking section most times. Bottom line, if you're gonna condemn smoking so much, just make it illegal rather than tease smokers with huge taxes and bans in just about all private venues.
I agree with Sleeper on this. Unfortunately, tho...the government makes a lot of money on the backs of the addicted.

I'm a smoker. I truely regret getting involved in this bad habit. It's nasty, disgusting, life threatening...etc. etc. etc. I tried to quit a few weeks ago and I only made it through about 1 day. Confuseduicide: It's a very tough habit to kick, too....worse than heroin.

As far as having to go outside in public places, such as a bar or resteraunt to smoke, I've already adjusted to it from the last time they tried to do this. I end up smoking less, too, so that's ok with me.

Quote:I can remember buying (for my Mom at the time) butts for .65 a pack at 7 or 8.
Holy crap! I remember when cigarettes were .75 a pack. Now they are about $6.50 in the city and on the rise. They will just keep raising the taxes on this. It's very profitable.

Quote:Monday night, I was in the city, and we happened to be up in the Rockafeller Center area. So we decided to swing past the tree. When we walked through there, there was a woman standing, maybe 50 ft from the tree, and a cop told her she wasn't allowed to smoke there. And yes, it was outside.
I'm not surprised by this at all and I am sure they will be doing this in more places here in NY. I took a trip to Arizona a few years ago and had to get a connecting flight in Iowa. They had designated smoking areas outside and somebody to watch and make sure no rules were broken.
Let's take away free speech while we're at it.

This is a violation of people's rights, don't even give me that "I have a right to not be subjected to it" line either, you have the right to avoid it, if you choose to be in a place where there is smoke that is a decision you make. Slowly but surely we are loosing more and more rights.
Quote:Now they are about $6.50 in the city and on the rise.
i haven't paid less than 7.50 in the city in months. a lot of places they're 8 bucks. but i don't know anyone who actually regularly buys them from stores now.
Quote:i haven't paid less than 7.50 in the city in months. a lot of places they're 8 bucks. but i don't know anyone who actually regularly buys them from stores now.
I try to avoid buying cigarettes in the city myself. I've been getting them in Pennsylvania for the last few years, however it is getting just as bad here. $34. for a carton of Marlboro.
i am so glad that i quit all forms of tobacco. no nothing!=more money in my pocket.

it's a bitch to quit but it is possible to do.

i made the decision to quit after my daughter was born in october of 2001. i did it because i wanted to up my insurance policy and name my daughter as the benefactor. they did a blood test on me and were like "you are a smoker" we will not up your policy but we will increase your rates.

it took me a bit of time but i did it.
Quote:it took me a bit of time but i did it.
How did you go about quitting? How many trys did it take you?
cold turkey......after multiple tries

it was a bitch and i fell off the wagon a few times(right ladi?)

i guess that you could say that it took a few years but after a while you realize that you don't need it.'s all mind over matter.
So I hear they're doing this in Massachusetts too starting Springtime. While I will be happy not to smell smoke in bars and restaurants and such, I still think it's bullshit how everyone is trying to ban smoking in a roundabout way with out actually banning it just to cripple the "evil" tobacco industry.
Quote:(right ladi?)
does :fuggin: count ;-)
i'm a good kid and i say no to drugs :crackhead:

you are a bad influence on me young lady :fuggin:
I actually got a ticket last week for smoking on a subway platform. That's $50 I cant afford right now...
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