Full Version: Good work - Whoever put today in cold day in hell
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"Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."
- Napoleon Bonaparte
-Jay Jay Walker

... what... I wanted to quote somebody !!
"Dude! You got a tattoo!!"
-Dude, where's my car
Lord Magus Wrote:"Dy-no-MITE!!"
-Jay Jay Walker

... what... I wanted to quote somebody !!
"This is bullshit - I want BUSH!"
" lose, you get nothing! Good day sir!"
- Willy Wonka
What does it say?
"SWEET, you got one too!!"
-Dude, Where's my car
Lord Magus Wrote:"SWEET, you got one too!!"
-Dude, Where's my car
"Sweet! What does it say!?"
-Dude, Where's my car
Stop it! You guys are going Over The Limit now!!!

You know, you guys should start a website about how outrageous you are!!
We hijacked this thread something pretty yo.

Getting back on topic, I must say that I damn near died laughing when I saw the News Block on tog of the pages. Brilliant, absolutely fucking brilliant. I cannot begin to tell you how much joy it brough to my heart..... and penis.
Yeah, we are so unoriginal that we just used the money you guys donated to buy a Valentines gift for our benefactor, Satan.
im glad you guys enjoy my thread
" As you journey through life chose your destinations well, but do not hurry there for you will arrive soon enough. Wander the back roads and forgotten paths keeping your destination in your heart like the fixed point of a compass. Seek out new voices, strange sights and ideas foreign to your own - such things are riches for the soul. And if upon arrival you find that your destination is not exactly as you had dreamed, do not be disappointed. Think of all you would have missed, but for the journey there, and know that the true worth of your travels lies in not where you come to be at journey's end but in who you come to be along the way."
--- Author Unknown

oh too long for ya?
Amy, duck! I think I just saw something fly completely over your head.
This thread sucks.

Keyser Soze Wrote:Yeah, we are so unoriginal that we just used the money you guys donated to buy a Valentines gift for our benefactor, Satan.
That was the funniest line in this thread.
You think thats funny. We bought the fucker a fur coat.
"Self appointed judges judge, more than they have sold" - Confuseduicide:

So tell me, how many 30$ Gold Disc Copies of Born To Run were sold through the affiliation with OTL?
What's in the box? What's in the fucking box?

Brad Pitt-Seven
"Did you just let Screech in the club? I'm waiting in line, and you just let Screech in the club?" - Vince Vaughn

Edited By The Sleeper on Feb. 15 2002 at 01:40
Quote:This thread sucks.


Anyone can become angry--that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way; this is not easy.

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