Full Version: nothin like a good sunday - what's yours?
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How about those Packers! :bow:

Let's see, a good sunday. Moose Tracks ice cream, peanut butter sauce, hot fudge, jimmies and a cherry. :thumbs-up:
y, ae. They all sound alike to me.

i'm gonna go take a long hot shower and put on sweats now Confusedmokey:
Quote:I baked about 10 dozen cookies today!

Those wouldnt happen to be X-mas cookies ??? MMMmmmmm...X-mas cookies.....
studied for finals all fuckin day :-(

5 more days...
I have gingerbread cookies w/ candy canes melted in. mmmmmmmmmmmmm......
Finals suck
Got up around noon......enjoying the lingering effects of a nice night of drinking too much with my girl. Watched a little TV....went out to get some grub......watched a little more Tv. Waited for the Giants game. Watched an SNL marathon. Got some gas in the car. Kissed the little lady goodbye, drove home and called my cousin to wish her a happy birthday and here I am at work, playing with the firetrucks and playing in here. Nothing typical about the sunday routine with me.
A good Sunday is when you work outside all day in the cold weather. Doing what ever, Cleaning car, raking leaves, working in the garage. Then you come in and one of your favorite meals is for dinner. MMMMM good. :toast:
You sound like the poster boy for Campbell's soup & Suburbia :moonie:
Christmas cookies!!
Football, football. Smoked. Simpsons, drank wine. Now more football/transit strike non-updates. Time for more pot.
Finals still suck

but Simpsons ruled tonight
Quote:Christmas cookies!!

Bring me some Christmas cookies please !!! :lookatme:

Quote:Time for more pot.

WOW...shocker!!! :fuggin:
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