Full Version: Raw for 16 dec 2002
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the buyrate wasn't down when he was out because people like austin and rock were around...of course, why remember that though...

i know he needs to put people over, and am not saying he shouldn't...what i am saying is that he IS the big name in the fed right now (1 of the top 3 or 4 along with angle, hbk, rvd and brock)...sure if jericho were given a shot, would he make an incredible top heel, of course...but when he was given the chance, fans weren't exactly enthused with him...booker will make a top guy, and fans are now coming around to him, but earlier, that wasn't an option...eddy and benoit are there, but not all of the fans enjoy a technical match...a lot of people are still just happy watching people like big slow and albert cause they are big men, regardless of whether they can tell a good story in the ring
HHH is not a draw. People don't spend money to see him. People spent money to watch Hogan and Andre. People spent money to watch The Rock and Steve Austin. People spent money to watch the NWO.

Go to a WWE show...don't bother buying a ticket. Just go to the parking lot and ask people who they came to see. I doubt you'll hear "I came to see Triple H! He's the game!" very often. He's just not somebody people want to see.

I'd bet more people come to watch Benoit...
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