Full Version: Worst pick up lines - Try them and get slapped.
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I'd like to wrap your legs around my head and wear you like a feed bag.

If it's true that we are what we eat, I could be you by morning!
It's not rape if you're passed out!
Guy: Are you from Tennesse?
Girl: No, why?
Guy: Because your the only Ten I See!

Is your father a boxer cause you are a real knockout.

You are sitting, or standing, in a bar and see this really cool looking chick that once in a while glances at you ( or more likely in your direction)...

so she knows you have noticed her...

Then you walk up to her and say " Hi, I've been admiring you for some time tonight but there is one thing your eyes can't tell me..." And whether you get a reply or not doesn't matter, but hopefully she says " yeah, what's that?"

Then you say " Your name..."
Can you rearrange the alphabet so U and I can be together?

Your Father must have been a baker, cause baby, you've got nice buns!
Your so hot, I want to suck your daddies dick for having you to show him thanks.

Your so hot, I would eat the peanuts out of your shit!(I used this one! :bouncer: )
I'd like you to be my replacement mother, not that anyone could ever replace mother. LEAVE ME ALONE!!! DEMON!!
I would fuck you till your brains bled,and yes, I was audacious enough to use that one as well
Can i buy you a drink so I'll look better?

::while staring directly at her chest:: cold out tonight, isn't it?

how bout we go back to my place and you get down on your knees and smile like a doughnut?
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