Full Version: What are you all watching on TV tonight?
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doug christie and his wife might get into another fight with the lakers :thumbs-up:
I finished Insomnia, but don't feel like watching another movie just yet, so I'm watching South Park.

Does anyone know what happened to that show that was on Channel 11 on Thursday nights at 9:30 with the dude from American Pie? I thought it was funny, but now its gone.
Minority Report
Quote:I'm watching the Felicity marathon
my reception on that channel went out on the last one :disappointed:
but it was a good marathon

oh yeah, and Hitler is on CNBC & Elvis on VH1 :banana:

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1040872733
I watched the Nets kick the shit out of the celtics now I'm watching the south park christmas marathon. :thumbs-up:
I ended up watching Family Guy episodes I have saved on CD-R
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