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Thanks to Star Wars a reading thread has been made even dorkier than I expected.

I think I'm going to start on something soon. i don't know what.
is it sad that i've read over 90% of dent's list?
Quote:is it sad that i've read over 90% of dent's list?
Pitifully sad.
Reading For Whom the Bell Tolls by Hemingway.
Handbook of Applied Dog Behaviour and Training Volume I - Adaptation and Learning oh joyyyy
Eh....actually it's not too bad. It's me anyway.....and I need it for my classes.

I can't remember the last fun book I've had a chance to read.
Quote:is it sad that i've read over 90% of dent's list?
more pathetic than sad.
i am reading Poker Nation by Andy Bellin
I am just finishing up Tell No One by Harlan Coben. Some real good plot twist and I like his matter of fact style of writing. My only gripe with the book is that it was supposed to be a suspense novel and I really didn't feel like it hit that genre all too well. Still, a good read.

And, I too read alot of dent's list so I am now going to stick a fork in an electrical outlet. Oh, and Dent is 100% right, Zahn novels were the best, possibly even better than the New Hope trilogy.

Mara Jade: best SW character ever.
I've read ALMOST all the novels on the list. But that's because I read at least one book every month on the train. Since I took the train to college and now take the train to work, that's a lot of time for reading.

Gotta agree. Mara Jade kicks ass. If they made a movie out of Zahn's trilogy, I think they'd have to cast Nicole Kidman or someone who looks like her, only meaner.

Shoud we do a seperate thread for favorite authors?
Quote:Shoud we do a seperate thread for favorite authors

Not a good idea, it might get KidA all kinds of pissy if we pick someone who may be a litte on the obscure side.
i just finished reading Up Country by Nelson Demille. Very enjoyable book. The fellow from The Generals Daughter comes back to solve a murder commited in Vietnam 30 years ago.

I haven't read any of the books on Dents list, in ase anyone was wondering.
Quote:Was I the only one who wished they'd made the Hobbit FIRST and then made the trilogy? That flashback to Bilbo and Gollum made me want to see the Hobbit made. Maybe they'll do it as a Prequel.

I said that to my friend before the movie even started... the Hobbit would have made a kick ass movie. Hopefully they'll do that as a prequel, like dent said {Big Grin}
reading is fundamental</center>
reading is fundamental

Just so you know, I want to beat you to death with a very blunt object of my choice. Maybe I will use your own hollowed head.

I am reading Without Remorse by Tom Clancy. I was going to do a re read of Sum Of All Fears but I think with the ammount of changes that are going to go into that movie, i may just pass to avoid being sickened even more by it.
admit it sean...........
that got a chuckle out of you!!:roflmao:
I've decided to read Bonfire of the Vanities. Made into a mediocre movie but the book supposed to be fantastic. I finished like 75 pages today and the guy works at Pierce and Pierce!
Without Remorse kicked ass. That's one they really should make into a movie.
Was I the only one who didn't think William DeFoe fit as John Clark in Clear and Present Danger? I always pictured Clark as a much bigger guy.

As for Sum of All Fears, all I can say is :

Movie -->:dead: <---Book
well funny you should mention sum of all fears. while i haven't read the book yet i managed to get a ticket for one of those advanced audience screening thingies
Without Remorse, if my memory serves me correctly was the last really good Clancy book.

I too thought that Clark should have been a much more imposing figure. Then again, I though Harrison Ford was too old to play Ryan. So go figure.

The end of the cold war really fucked up the techno-thriller genre.
Quote:The end of the cold war really fucked up the techno-thriller genre.

That's one of the reasons they didn't make Cardinal of the Kremlin. That's the one Ford wanted to do. Studio decided they wanted to "re-invent" the Jack Ryan series. In other words, they butchered the book so they could pretend the other movies don't exist. And they changed the arab terrorists to neo-nazis. Not holding out hope for this one.

Would have been tough to do it true to the book when a one of the major story lines had to do with the ending of Clear and Present Danger which was changed when they made the movie. The ending of the movie of C&PD made half of SoAF impossible to do and be consistent in the story.
I just completed The True Art of Healing (original title-The Unlimited Power of Prayer and Visualization by Isreal Regardi (edited by Marc Allen)-- I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to start meditating, it's concise and easy to read...I'm just starting the meditation, so I'll tell you how well it works...

I'm also a couple pages through another Tom Robbins, Skinny Legs and All
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