Full Version: just beacuse i <3 you guys...
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My vagina is so much fun. I bet you wish you could see, but you can't.
hi danked Confusedmokey:
do you keep it in a tuperware? :fuggin:
CRX can see my vagina anytime she wants.
i win !!! :fuggin:
You enjoy my vagina.
he he
Quote: }>i<{
Dru, what is this? It drives me nuts everytime I see it, I stare at it & think it should be something, but I don't see it ... must be waht it's like to be one of those people who can't see those "picture in the pattern" posters that used to be all over Malls.
If you look at it just right Ladi, it looks like Jay as the clit commander. Rubbing the clit with his two pointer fingers.
that is sooooooooo cute wooooooooooooh :loveya: :loveya:
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