Full Version: its time to vote people!!!!
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i though thte new peson wuz the ever jubilant beckster?
:burnfucker: then all bets are off ... she knows us :loveya:
7 VOTES!!!! you all must admit that you never though i would get 7 votes!!! i deserve to be modded for that accomplishment alone!!
wow, who just voted in this one
i was wondering how a topic got so many posts so soon...didnt see the 2004(no, i wasnt the one who brought it up, though)
It wasn't me but I like to vote! What should I vote for?
your small pee pee
this confused me for a good 2 minutes
3 minutes, here!

I win!
It was the number of people who voted that got me.

We don't have that many members.
Arpikenlu reborn
a golden age of wisdom and enlightenment
I remember asking Luna if I could fuck her in the ass. She got real upset and skeeved out and deleted my post. Good times. I'll bet that's what she's refering to.
DIG, you just gotta be you and damn those that dont understand.
OOOHHHH, it's 2004 now. I get it.
You got it long before 2004.
he's referring to the sex, I bet.
the people have spoken, nearly 2/3 don't want Arpi to be a mod. so much so that members that havent posted in months have returned just to show their disapproval of arpi becoming mod.
He's gotten three YES votes and one NO vote since I topped it
I unfortunately voted yes this morning
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