Full Version: Maynard's a dick, part 2 - The saga continues...
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What are you talking about douchenozzle?
Your scrolling dick. It's broken. HAHAHA:roflmao:
Gimme some of what you're smokin' dude.
Just in case any of you have forgotten...:firebounce:
how could we ever forget?

by the way... have you seen the original "maynard's a dick" thread... it's to hard to sift thru hundreds of threads that contain that phrase....
It's was locked Mr. Moron, my friend.
shenanaigans i say!!!


Don't really know the guy but if everyone says he's a dick, then he is a dick!!!!:burnfucker: :fuckoff: :firebounce: :helpme: :fart: :blow:
Thanks Prodigal Son!!! :bouncer:
Quote:Thanks Prodigal Son!!!

Shit, Maymay, peeps learn about you fuckin quick these days.


I just be listenin to what my dogs tell me is the dealio
Quote:I just be listenin to what my dogs tell me is the dealio

I was going to just let this one slide, but alas, I can not.

What the fuck was that anyway? My god man, George W. could pull off sounding more from the hood than that. In fact, after that display, I am insulted by your obvious whiteness.:asshole:

cuz.....maymay sucks cock .....
*cough cough*
what's the matter beck? got someone stuck in your throat? come on...spit it's okay if you don't swallow EVERY time.
Fuck that Grumpy,
it's important to have standards.
Also...I would like to bring your attention to;
The Bossman ripping into Prodigal Son...
Now that's teh funney!!!

Oh yeah...You know...That dick stuff...:firebounce:
So are you offering me your butt Drusilla?
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