Full Version: Lookee's a manifesto - Our first fallout thread.
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WhipThisFez Wrote:
Quote:Wow you just actually made me sit back and ponder that for a second. I left with a feeling of being whole now and sad when I actually understood what you meant.

One word replies now?

Should I call you MOM now?
WhipThisFez Wrote:Um....yay?
what he siad.

Oh where oh where as this little thread gone? :disappointed:
Sean Cold Wrote:
WhipThisFez Wrote:Um....yay?
what he siad.

Oh where oh where as this little thread gone? :disappointed:
Like we have to reiterate the point that OTL or management sucks. like k1d afr1ka, it buries itself very well without our help.
Quote:Oh where oh where as this little thread gone?

Jesus christ. You still haven't learned the equation?

A squared plus b squared = all threads are bound to go down the drain faster than gonzo's 15 children.
WhipThisFez Wrote:A squared plus b squared = all threads are bound to go down the drain faster than gonzo's 15 children.
See, I am all fucked up, I always thought it went like this:

A squared plus b squared = all threads are bound to go down the drain once Fezzy posts in them.
Bitch please, you know I'm the draino to this message board.
Quote:I'd ask Dear Grumpy but I remember Faceman giving teh funnier advice in that thread.

Thank you GS, at least someone understands the brilliance that is faceman.

spit, do you really think I'm worried if I come off creepy?Wink
Spitfire Wrote:Good try Facey, but didn't we already come to the conclusion that guys posting pics of hot chicks is creepy? :lol:
Hmm.....whats more creepy? A guy who posts pics of hot chicks or a grown man thats into wrestling and comic books?

If the former is creepier, well i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo. What the hell am I doing here? I don't belong here.

Edited By Keyser Soze on Feb. 19 2002 at 11:39
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