Full Version: Ken is a sleaze - ken
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I'm trying to bring out the best in Jack.

He's fucking classic when he's pissed and insecure.
aka the I'm going to kill myself stage?
you guys are mean. you're gonna hurt his feelings
I have a discolored penis.

thanks to KEN. :fuckoff:
You're no fun
I lost my lunch.

Thanks to KEN! :fuckoff:

Washington sucked

because of Ken
The Redskins always lose.

because of KEN! :fuckoff:
:lookatme: Hi Alkey.
I'm gay.

It really has nothing to do with Ken.

Hello, Jack.
My PM box is empty.

because of KEN! :fuckoff:
Luna's Fuck you emoticon is stuck

because of ken
i haven't had a pm in months
Quote:i haven't had a pm in months
because of KEN! :fuckoff:
I like Ken :loveya:
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