Full Version: How to get around a firewall 101
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Quote:AM's commie ass pushes Opera, which I gave up on after like 2 or 3 days. Face it, M$ makes the best browz3rs.

That's true, but he uses Nadscrape as his browser to get you away from M$. It's called Step 1.

I havn't checked out Opera yet, cause AM won't show me 'teh hack' to make it free.
You're just scared that I might actually be right.
I'll share it with you just not on the board because no warez links on teh board. Perhaps you should IM me.
AdolescentMasturbator Wrote:I'll share it with you just not on the board because no warez links on teh board. Perhaps you should IM me.
What about PMs, huh?

Dude, even if I was to get the AIM client to chat with you, I have issue with IMing with a 15 year old no matter how mature you are mentally. Yea yea, I know, you are really 27, and Sleeper claims that I over use a TOG ???
SLASH Wrote:Yea yea, I know, you are really 27, and Sleeper claims that I over use a TOG ???
You made TOG into an art form.
PM's bah. Get an im client.
AdolescentMasturbator Wrote:PM's bah. Get an im client.
bah... this coming from someone who uses an IM client that can't connect to AIM servers. :p
Hummercash Wrote:
AdolescentMasturbator Wrote:PM's bah. Get an im client.
bah... this coming from someone who uses an IM client that can't connect to AIM servers. :p
This coming from someone who thinks OS X is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Have you tried putting in the proxy server your company sets in the browsers? Check your browser settings and copy the proxy server there and paste it in the settings on AIM. Also have AIM scan your ports to find one it can use. If that doesn't work, resign and go work for a more reasonable company with better things to do that restrict you from living a normal life.
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