Full Version: Hey you -, arpi
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Quote:Couldn't you have done the same thing this time? The other thing that got me was I pmed you about it right away and you shut off your aim and you left the board without answering.
iwent to bed. sorry i dont stay awake to heed your every call.
Quote:As for me putting my pics out there, I was aware of that risk when I did it. Is it biting me in the ass right now? It sure is, but, I guess we all have our lessons to learn, don't we?
it was an innocuous picture of denim shorts. get over it! drama queen
Did anyone else hear the shit literally hitting the fan?
just you
Ok, Arp.

Forget it.

You really do have quite an interesting perspective.
if by interseting you mean the right one, then you are correct.
Quote:if by interseting you mean the right one, then you are correct.
No. Not right or wrong. Just yours.
un hunh
Quote:First of all, they are jeans, not shorts


I was right.
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