Full Version: Which Group do you like better - you know what you have to do
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the doors are a pale comparison to the tartan rockers!!
quiet hippie
I like the new sleeper better.
Quote:I like the new sleeper better.
poor misguided fool
no i will not give peace a chance!
Dude, old sleeper quivers at the thought of the majesty that is new sleeper.
I dunno, I think they both are equally amazing
i have really pondered the old sleeper/ new sleeper problem and have come to realize that they both suck. i just fooled myself into thinking the old sleepre was cool from some need to believe that once he was cool. i was wrong and apologize.
I don't give a fuck, new sleeper is the mack.
thats not very peaceful of you, spread the loooove maaaaan
You showed him, Arpiberry
That one hurt cause you meant it :-(
Quote:That one hurt cause you meant it
that emoticon is groooovy maaan
it has trails!!!!
Just kill me now, why torture me?
this your doing
I was just having some fun, I wanna make it right.
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