Full Version: i wanna be mod of the new hippy forum
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That's cold, Jack.
I haven't fucked a hippie yet.

I'm slipping. Undecided
Consider the new forum and your moderatorship a token of my friendship Arpi. I hope you enjoy it.
I want one!

No fair.
Ah, Alkey... you don't strike me as the authority type. Is that a misperception?
I keep my bitches in check.

They're just afraid to see me with any power.
Ok Alkey. I'll let you share the Hippie Forum with Arpi.
im still a mod right? Undecided
oh ok the hippie and stoner forums are different. :thumbs-up:
Quote:Consider the new forum and your moderatorship a token of my friendship Arpi. I hope you enjoy it.
if you think you are witty , you are only half right. :-p
I like coming here cause I am not a mod...
Quote:Hippie Forum
For Arpi and Alkey to Mod.

Too bad no one can post here.
if you had wanted to be funny you should have left the "too bad no one can post here" out. let us figure that out. you overplayed it because you are no good at it. sheesh!! leave teh funney to those who know how to do it. you do what you are good at , being obsequious to the hippies. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I want to be the mod of a forum that noone knows or cares about.

you are dude, its called dummyschool
ding ding ding winner!
:firebounce: :firebounce: :firebounce:
Quote:if you had wanted to be funny you should have left the "too bad no one can post here" out. let us figure that out. you overplayed it because you are no good at it. sheesh!! leave teh funney to those who know how to do it. you do what you are good at , being obsequious to the hippies.
Then you would have told me how stupid I was for forgetting to let anyone post. I just can't win. :-(
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