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I'd agree with that.
Anti-Parisan French. J'aime mon Quebecers
mes Quebeqoise
Voulez vous couchez avec moi, ce soire?
Je suiz desoulez.
Le chapuea est magnifique.

That's about all the french I can muster. :banana:
real nice today. i got out and walked a few miles
I took the Jeep out for a bath at lunch. It is salt free again.
Quote:I took the Jeep out for a bath at lunch. It is salt free again
its nice that you give the mrs. a pet name. its cute. :rofl:
Forget it AMaynard, he's too pathetic to look in the mirror.
yes, i know that.

but he'll gladly show you a picture of his sombrero
i did not give permission to post my pic.
i need to wash my car :loveya:

je parle un peu francais
moi aussi
oooo tres bien
..... je ne'sais pas parler ..... am I spelling this right?
je ne sais pasi. t's been a long time since i had to spell in french.
Je ne me rappelle pas comment parler francais.

:-o Oh wait. Maybe I do.
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