Full Version: Newbie scumbag - From the Hippy Board
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Sup buddy. :fuggin: How do you like our satellite office?
Carlos Hathcock lives...
I still don't know who coronated me 'Hyperactive'. Fess up, Jack. Was it you?
yes, complain about your status. that will be fun. :bouncer:
Quote:I still don't know who coronated me 'Hyperactive'.
You're saying your not?
There's a forum where you can ask about stuff like that if you start a new thread. Try "Noise Pollution."
How can you tell?
I think it was your shrink.
My shrink told on me?
It's your lips.
You guys can do better than that.
not really.

Nothing here.
Can I get back to you?
No. You're all fired.
Quote:I still don't know who coronated me 'Hyperactive'. Fess up, Jack. Was it you?

How's this?

Gonzo's Bestest Buddy

Posts: 391

Registration Date Jan. 03 2003,3:56 pm

Post Average 65.39 posts per day

Edited By Weird NJ on 1042146708
That means nothing!
Geez, I only have 12 posts per day.
but they are all gems!
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