Full Version: I am sick of
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the hate I get from Maymay and Arpi...
how can I get them to love me?
buy maynard lunch, and kill OAS
that it?

if I buy lunch...
will he put out?
You can die. No one ever says a bad thing about people when they are dead.
absence makes the heart grow fonder
Gangstas Make The World Go Round
you could just ignore them...
don't try so hard. its like trying to woo a woman.

in your case, do the exact opposite of what you normally do to attract a woman.
Quote:in your case, do the exact opposite of what you normally do to attract a woman
remember that Seinfeld ?
That was a great Seinfeld. Only recently did I remember how much loved it. I stopped watching it after that dismal final episode, but I caught some reruns recently and I still love it.
Go away.
Danked, HA! New improved banana.
You must kill yourself.

They will mourn your passing and overlook that which made them hate you.
If I was dying to make them like me,
that would be the desperation Keyser has told me to avoid,

a cunundrum....
god my spelling sucks.
its conundrum....tool!
hence my comment on spelling.
Don't go away mad, just go away.
buy them a nice cold lemonade