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I can't wait to get the fuck out of this state.
It always seems to happen right when you post
I would enjoy BM post's so much more,
if he didn't put those words above the pictures.
I am one day closer to death.
we have that going for us :thumbs-up:
Dear God.
I would like to cash in the rest of it now, thanks.
i believe in the power of prayer now more than ever
every morning that Maynard wakes,
my belief in prayer ebbs.
Dear God,
To show thanks for all that I have,
I am giving Ken back.
I would be happy to help Arpi and Ken to say their prayers.
Quote:I can't wait to get the fuck out of this state.

:disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed:
Awwww, Jack. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I take it back. :lol: :lol: :lol:
It's Michigan for God's sakes. You should be tripping over each other to get the fuck out of there.
Agreed. I'm gone next week.
michigan rules!!! except that detroit part. that part sucks!
It all sucks! I live in Detroit. It's fucking depressing in every way. I work in Ann Arbor, though. U of M is cool.
Quote:I can't wait to get the fuck out of this state.
this chaos state...where exactly is this fuckin place?
I happen to like my side of the state.
dtroit is a hellhole. i spend alot of time on the eastern side. Oscoda baby!
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