Full Version: Gonzo is a fucking liar!!!
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he isnt really. i just feel obligated to start one of these threads every time i get locked up. hee hee!
This will just bring you down to Cell 2, you think? Confusedmokey: :clueless:
you are a moron
youre a dick, so whats the problem :-p
I know you like me, you just dont wanna admit it Confusedneak: :thumbs-up:
i despise you! i think you are a complete waste of life and i hope you get hit by a bus
No, you wish you had me in your bed.
Im the sexual demon which you can only dream of :rofl:
i blocked your ass! send your annoying PM's to someone else. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Oh, dear when is it my turn to get my ass in this cell.
I like to annoy you, youre like an on line game.... :fuckoff: motherfucker!
you are boring
and youre a piece of chicken shit, who had to block me, Damn what a cry baby, do you need to hide under your moms tits Confusedmokey:
LOL!!! i win!
No, you lose since you dont wanna 'argue' with me, and I thought thats what you are around this board, so why not show it to me!
If youre the bitch you come out to be, let me provoke you and provoke me back, dont block me or hide away from it...after all this should be the way you play

or are you so fuckin fake with your attitude?

Edited By Isis on 1042392775
See, you cant take it & I knew you were like that.
You fell down, cause you can NOT play in your own game when somebody else joins in it, you rather avoid it huh...its a pretty mask you wear arpi, be careful so it doesnt fall down and shows your true skin
you are a mental case!
Thats all you have to bring , you can do better than that or are all your 'comments' pretty pale and ordinary, at least im coming out as a mental case, then i must be doing something right..
Dont think you can beat me down with your lousy name calling. ;-)
this thread hurts my brain
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