Full Version: should i just give it up
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when i discount the smelly hippy votes i am actually winning this thing. :bouncer:
Take away all the hippy doors fans who know he will get rid of them when he is in power and Arpi would be winning
Since only snowball and splatter were logged in, if I take away their two votes you are still losing 5-2.
Take away your tampering and add Hybrid's vote and it's 3-1
Quote:Take away your tampering and add Hybrid's vote and it's 3-1
your math is correct
Yeah cause none of the other people logged in voted.

If one person will admit to voting against arpi other than myself, that will disprove gomez's math. Also it'll give me a good reason to cell him for such malicious slander.
I always vote against the Drama Queen.
Thanks mad.
i nulled my vote.
lol@drama queen
I voted against Arpi.
Quote:I voted against Arpi.
i was going to make you my consort when i got modded but you can forget that now!
i voted 4 ya to keep wearin them down. was a pitty vote :-D
Quote:Since only snowball and splatter were logged in, if I take away their two votes you are still losing 5-2.

I didn't fuckin vote.
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