Full Version: i need help - to rid myself of my evil packrat ways
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I'm moving from Detroit to Los Angeles this week. I'm limited to what I can take on the plane and haven't even begun to think about what'll make the cut.

The whole prospect of doing what you just did makes me want to go back to bed. I just might.
Wait tricia! I'm all about used clothes. What do you have that fits me?
My rule of thumb is if i haven't worn something or used something in a few months, even though it's been more than accesible, it's history. I hate clutter, I hate having things around that get in the way.... I am far from pack rat. But that's my nature to begin with, so not really sure how to advise someone else to not be one. Obiously you wanna keep what's important, keepsakes, what you need, etc. Otherwise in terms of clothes, maybe keep what's out of season under your bed instead of in the closet, and switch it up. That's my guy line of thinking though... girls and clothes are out of control, so maybe that won't work for you.

Oh, and crotchless pants are a plus... keep those.
Quote:My rule of thumb is if i haven't worn something or used something in a few months, even though it's been more than accesible, it's history.
Ok, so if we combine that with the out-of-season-under-the-bed rule, what is left to apply this to? Except for like, T-shirts and undergarments? :clueless:

Edit: Oh ya, I'm also pretty bad like this. There's all kinds of OCD mind you,... both the packrack and the neat freak are examples. Even though I was raised in a house where mess and disorder are cardinal sins (which doesnt mean much because God's chosen people can't go to Hell anyway :keke: ) my own unreasonable fear of throwing something important away, and lack of disposition to organize has led to my half of my dorm room to have stacks of papers everywhere, and piles of stuff (piles where I know where stuff is, mind you) being on the shelves. It's not as bad as what you might think, but it still bothers ME. On the other hand, I went to a friend's house for his birthday, and there was literally a narrow path between each room, surrounded by furniture covered in junk and books, and piles of junk on the floor. I spent an hour or so in his room, and can't tell you what color his carpet was, and it's not for lack of having looked down, either.

Edited By SYNTuesday on 1042694071
It's not rocket science, professor smarty pockets. Throw some shit out every once in a while.
Like those essays I'm never gonna have any use for ever again? Or those random free mouspads the administration gives us? :clueless: How could I?!
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