Full Version: This Is Amy's House!
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Pages: 1 2
I figured there would just be some different noise on page 2. Elephants perhaps? Maybe a woodpecker?
Is it?

<bgsound SRC="" LOOP="infinite">
fuck it. post all the noises you want. i just wanted to delete some of your posts like you did to me. :-D
waves are always fun, maybe we can post that on the next page
Damn. I was hoping this led to us dooking it out.

Ah well....

yay everyones happy :banana:
This house is clean!
you should see my room, that isnt clean at all hehe
crickets :clueless:
Um... yeah.

We know.
the crickets are my friends
They tell her things.
you hear that too? i thought i was the only one
must.......kill........step-dad........ :burnfucker:
Pages: 1 2