Full Version: I am now on a short leash....
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limp hoze
Quote:limp hoze

That could be taken in so many wayz.. ways.
I'd think,
being limp,
it would limit the options,

anal is sooooo out of the question.

I thought we were talking about hoses... hey.. FREAK!!!
you never did a backyard enima?

what? why are you all looking at me that way? :clueless:
evil bitch.
only a matter of time
everyone gather 'round and piss on him!

nah, he might like that
Quote:evil bitch.

NUH UH! [Image: angel.gif]

evil bitch.
evil bitch.
who are you again?
I was VG's Boy of the month July 2002
Some things never change around here. Ken hitting on the board women. Ken trying to fight off old jokes. I get it, Ken's old, right? :rofl:
Quote:. Ken trying to fight off old jokes.

you are an old joke,
I have been trying to shake for a long time now.

ken seein gonzo gone,

stretches the leash ever so slightly.
Bitch, get back on your knees.
this gimmick is beginning to annoy.
VG is a maaaaaan baybeeeeeeee!
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