Full Version: This Is Luna's Smelly Box! - I want a house, too
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Quote:see...yer just being mean cuz she turned you down, ya whipper snapper

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

stop, you're killing me!!!!!!
is murder permitted in Luna's box? i know it may smell as if something died in here....but did it? :fart:
crotch rot
You. Keyser. OUT! Get outta my box.

first i have to figure out how to get this hazmat suit off.
I'm going to have to get some guard dogs for my box, aren't I?
i'll report you to the ASPCA, this place is unfit for man, woman, or beast!
I'm afraid that's true. :-(
Quote:9 - Thursday is also Hawaiian shirt day.
10 - Don't shit where you eat.
11 - Say please & thank you.
12 - Do unto others as you would have done to you.
13 - Don't bogart the bowl.
14 - Don't ash where you eat.
The commandments keep growing and I don't have any Hawaiin shirts! :-o
Does this box hold to the no alocohol commandment? I need a drunkard haven.
You can drink your troubles away here in my box. Just don't pay any mind the riff raff. :thumbs-up:
What riff raff? I'm too drunk to make out shapes, colors or smells.
Where can I puke, or does it not matter?
just being in Luna's box the first time could make one want to puke
Quote:Where can I puke, or does it not matter?
Your shoes. :-p
I found a refrigerator box. Want me to build you an extension to your home? :thumbs-up:
guest rooms?
Yes! Let's build a guest room! :bouncer:
These rules & regulations are getting weird :clueless:

Quote:15 - Thou shalt not sell out your fellow pseudo-mods.
16 - Don't open the car door.
17 - Don't step on the brake.
18 - Stab your friends in the back any chance you get :*(
19 - I'm sorry, Hybrid. I didn't mean it. <3
20 - Too late. 21 - Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
22 - fuck you hippie
23 - No, fuck you, xmosherxx.
24 - dont you have a banjo to play
25 - Yes, and it hungers for the taste of your bloody thumb.
Hey, its your box........don't you have any say?
I don't think so, Metal. I'm just a mere peasant traveling around with my box on my back.
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