Full Version: What poor bastard is working today - Not just a poll- a gauge on loserness!
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Hope I didn't have work today. I'm not sure if I did or not (whoops). Well heres how my presidents weekend shaked out...

Friday: Drove to Vermont with friends, partied that night at "The Wobbley Barn". Proceeded to get shitfaced and begin to make a mess of the 20 person house we rented for the weekend.

Saturday: Snowboard from 9 until 4, return to house, nap for a few hours shit, shower, shave, repeat second portion of Friday this time with more "feeling".

Sunday: repeat saturday, now full blown armageddon at the house. sex acts on pool tables, hot tubs room resembling scenes from rap video, etc.. etc...

Monday: did i have to work today? wake at 10, leave at 11, after various stops along the way for reasons i wont bore you with make it home finally at 7 pm.
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