Full Version: PPV so far - There are spoilers so no complaining
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He looks kinda like a big, evil Brendan Frasier.

Going back to his WCW days, I always thought O'Haire had a lot of potential. Definitely the most impressive out of the Natural Born Thrillers they brought in while the company was breathing its last breath.
He's definetly an amazing talent, I couldnt believe when they dumped him and kept palumbo.
Well in the long run it will be better for him this way.

I just wish they'd clear up what the fuck his character is.
Quote:I may be totally off, but it almost reminds me of Pacino in Devil's Advocate, just without the good acting.
I just read and that is what they are going for. Basically a character who believes in nothing and offends everyone. This week offending the christians.
A Nihilist, huh?

Must be exhausting. :thumbs-up:
If he can pull it off and they work it right, that might wind up being an interesting saga.
Vince likes to run a storyline every so often that gets some press, even if it's negative. I expect the O'Haire one to be like that since the Political Correctness level seems to be rather high right now. Any press is good press...and since Stone Cold, Rock and others are making a grand return, seems like the timing is good to bring in any press right now.
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