Full Version: fuck you maynard
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Pages: 1 2
YOU ARE FUCKING LYING NOW!!!!! YOU AIMED ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you're gonna post yet ANOTHER made up conversation.

How can anyone argue with you Arpi. All you do is make shit up and rewrite peoples words.
if you need to lie to make yourself feel better, go for it. you and i know the truth.
Yes we do, but you don't rely on truth do you arpi. No, you consistantly lie and fuck with peoples heads.
dont try and turn this around on me! you are the one making shit up and vomiting it up on the board
I haven't made up a goddamn thing.

Can you say the same?
about this issue, yes
About what issue?

what what?

are you guys finished? if you don't mind, clean up the mess before you leave, thanks.
Didn't we have the fake I hate you argument with you two a year ago?
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