Full Version: Cybersex gone terribly awry - That wacky ikeaboy!
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Quote:Where the hell do you think I stole it from?

I didn't get it off somethingawful, but it was almost a year ago and I don't remember now.
I don't care where it came from...
It gave me quite the chuckle...
(even though there was no mention of POOP)
:fuggin: :roflmao: :fuggin:
Why cyber sex when u can just do it on the phone.. ???
Maynard Wrote:
Galt Wrote:Where the hell do you think I stole it from?
The guys name was originally WellHung27, I believe.. I am now wondering if it is truly sad that I was thinking the same thing as May May as he was reading this........

Life truly has no meaning: :clueless: + :poison: = :burnfucker: >>> Confusedeph:
Pages: 1 2