Full Version: FU to soft toilet paper
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WTF man. How come something that feels so good on your ass, falls apart? I think they trick you. Buy meeeee....we're soft.....then you get it home and wipe your ass with it, and it crumbles. It becomes all powdery and shit and you have a white residue all over your butthole and have to take a fucking shower.

Luckily I have wet wipes in the bathroom, and it seems to solve this problem.
Would you rather wipe with sandpaper? :crackhead:
I hate the aloe in tissues and toilet paper,
cause when I use em to clean my glasses they get all shmeered.
No, of course not.

I've found a way around it with the combination of wet wipes, but I should have to!

Why don't they just make wet toilet paper?
Just use wetones instead......................silly. :poke:
guys always have that fluffy toilet paper

I like the industrial one-ply stuff, it holds a fluffy shape better & doesn't have lint