Full Version: I just ordered lunch
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It costs 12 bucks even, how much should I tip the guy?
for 12 bux i hope yah atleast get a hand release
I got a tuna sandwich for 1.99. Advantage: Sleeper
2 slices of pizza and a snapple for $4.50. Everything is coming up CLS!
and i thought the smell wuz from Ladi
itz juzt day old tuna
Quote:how much should I tip the guy?

I'd give $3.00.
It's not just for me, it's a Pizza and a 2-Liter Pepsi from a local pizza place, and it's split three ways, so how much?
Quote:I'd give $3.00

you would, richie mcmoneybags!
I'd give $2, what I usally give a delivery guy. Figure 15% is $1.80, so you
being generous.
Quote:and it's split three ways, so how much?

$3.00 / 3 = $1.00
edit : I thought you were splitting the tip three ways - nvm.

Quote:you would, richie mcmoneybags!

I tip large (usually) because I used to work for tips, and I know what it's like to deal with cheap motherfuckers (not you, Gomez, just in general).

Edited By goatweed on 1043176380
I was thinking of giving him 16 bucks total

But 15 sounds better
Sounds better........ because it's less money? :clueless:

Plus it's easier for him since they usually are running low on ones, so instead of forcing him to give up precious dollar bills when breaking a twenty, he just needs to give me a five.

I'm a fucking humanitarian
I tip delivery guys $3 every time, no matter how little I order. Its about the effort they make to get there.
Quote:But 15 sounds better

$3.00 it is! :bouncer:
Incase you were wondering, I gave him 15 bucks
you're a good man, Gomez - don't let anyone tell you differently.
Too bad tricia wasn't here to discuss the struggle.
hahha... it's funny cuz she works for tips... :lol:
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