Full Version: LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE!!!!!!!
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Just two weeks ago, Jack was sick of all of this and was ready to give up his admin position. He's only content when he's torturing us! I say this insanity has gone on long enough. If we can vote these people into power, we sure as Hell should be able to vote them out. Let the people decide!
Viva la real resistance!

Edited By Danked on 1043178167
I wasn't voted in. I was appointed. :-p
Jack just needs a vacation - and a good woman :-D
and some nazi-be-gone pills

Especially not by a bunch of troublemakers
who is this Jack guy you all seem to be concerned with? Rolleyes
[Image: themole.jpeg]
Some nazi with far too many buttons for his own good.
i think jack is using mod shenanigans to rig the vote.

the revolution will not be quelled! Viva la resistance
Jack doesn't have to take your abuse
I never believed Arpi when he said so, but it is quite obvious that the vote is being rigged.
it is rigged...those with power will do anything to keep it

abosolute power corrupts absolutely
Quote:The Cell Rules
Thou shalt not doubt Jack.
Thou shalt not disobey Jack.
Thou shalt not talk bad of Jack.

Thou (this is getting repetitive) shalt like Jack.

Well at least theres no mention of Baker.