Full Version: New Stoner Commandments
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is that to keep people away?
Can somebody please explain rule #5 to me? :clueless:
you know what ....... YOU GUYS RULE!!

you're great Co-Mods :thumbs-up:

Edited By Hybrid on 1043343793
That's just not right, Hybrid. Don't do that again or I shall be forced to hurt you to the point that you scream.
im not all that afraid
Big Brother is watching and playing his invisible hand.
Everybody smile and wave at Jack! :lookatme:
Ooh... Mod Fight. Mod Fight.

I got 20 on Danked.
Nope. No problem here.

Hybrid and I are good buddies. Right, Hybrid?
:disappointed: now thats just wrong. Wait til I get home and can use photoshop.

Hybrid's #1 fan right here.

Edited By Hybrid on 1043347129
Silence her.
oh boys are practically perfect in every way! :-o

Edited By Danked on 1043347508
thanks luna :loveya:
Luna's just too sweet.
You all can thank me for having new Commandments... :fuggin: persistant complaining can work wonders... :-D, if i could only figure out a way to make Gomez quit, we'd be set :lol:
Quote:You all can thank me for having new Commandments...
Um... no they can't. All you did was post one thread complaining about it and we were gonna wipe it clean anyway.
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