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The Rumble had potential

It sucked

If I could get my money back I would
The angle beniot match was worth it for me.

WM has the potential to be amazing but yes it also can suck.
Goosebumps when I saw Hogan, no matter what's ever happened, he's the icon. He's muhamed ali, michael jordan, wayne greztsky, babe ruth. Simply amazing without even saying a word.
I'm not really a Hogan fan, but I'll give him credit. He can definitely pop a crowd. Still don't give a fuck about a Hogan/Vince match...

As for the rest of Smackdown...Benoit/Haas was nice, good storytelling...Nunzio/Moore was good, I'm digging the Matt Hardy/Moore angle...Benjamin/Edge was good as well, Benjamin is better than Edge and SO carried that match...Rey/Angle was excellent, I might even say better than their SS match if it wasn't so short. That one suplex on Rey was sick, and the finish was sweet as Hell.

Now if they could trade Booker, Goldust, Jericho, and Regal to Smackdown for Albert, Big Show, Undertaker, and DeMott, I'd never ever complain about WWE again...put Nathan Jones on Raw and O'Haire on SD...icing on the cake.
has Hogan been staying at a concentration camp...he looked tiny. Lost alot of mass. Then again, if he's goin against Vince, it will be fine.
I agree sir o, benoit/haas was an excellent match. I enjoyed it very much, SD is definetly putting out a better product compared to Raw.

Anyone mention that Torrie is gonna be in Playboy?
If they could combine the build-up that Raw has with their matches with the payoff of the Smackdown matches their product would be a Hell of alot better.

Just imagine the build-up of say Steiner vs Triple H with the payoff of the Benoit vs Angle match
I read that a lot of people were dissapointed backstage with steiner and HHH.

I also read an interesting thing that I didnt expect, it said that McMahon has recently been very dissapointed with Edge's work.
Well if what I've heard is true that they just basically want to squash the Steiner Trips feud then it's probablly true. Steiner was so hyped only to suck so badly in his first match back. I wonder how soon before he's gone.

Quote:Anyone mention that Torrie is gonna be in Playboy?

That true? Well, guess her days in the WWE are numbered
At least they decided to use a WWE chick that doesn't have a penis. Whoever had to airbrush those Chyna pics truly has a shit job...
Yeah thats what they said is a concern with the WWE. They aren't too happy with Torries decision but the contract is already signed. They fear that since playboy was a major part of the departures of both Chyna and Rena Mero, that maybe Torrie is not making the wisest choice.
Yes but they both moved on to bigger and bette......Uh, nevermind

I don't think it would matter if Torrie stayed or went, although they try to push her she is still very replaceable.
Gonzo I also read that backstage she is considered one of the nicest people on the roster and not a bitch like Sable and not a man cunt like Chyna.
Quote:Gonzo I also read that backstage she is considered one of the nicest people on the roster and not a bitch like Sable and not a man cunt like Chyna.

Give her a couple years... they all turn into conceited nightmares in the end.
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