Full Version: Net Providers Must Help in Piracy Fight - What ever happened to 4th Amendment?
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That is awful
So does that mean that the Highway Department HAS to report everyone who speeds on it?

Fuck. Too Late. You guys are already speaking German.

that's a cool website. I go to: Free Translation

LG, i guess your german school was bad.
ok, someone please tell me what that site does? the url seems alittle "suspicious".. sorry Danked.
Oh my lawd! Yaaahr Moms Box, smells nosey pike Bubble an' Squeak Maureen 'orden tuna. . Lumme!
Gawdon Bennet! i' always seems ter add Lumme ter da end ov everythin' i' translates. Lumme!
Awright geeezzaa! What does Lumme even mean? Sorted mate.
Quote:LG, i guess your german school was bad.
Nope, that site just sucks

All translators have the inherent flaw that they can never translate entire sentences correctlly.
Lor' luv a duck! My translator doesn't seem flawed. Know what I mean? Rolleyes
Snoop Dogg Translator > Ali G translator
[Image: ali%20g%20in%20da%20house.jpg]

I'd like to see you adopt this look.
Uhm, no
Playa hata.
Why don't you adopt his style?
I've already spent so much money on hippie sweaters and Birkenstocks that it'd be tough to switch styles now.
Wait, you mean hippies acctually spend money on their clothes?

I thought you made them yourself
Those are uber-hippies. I'm like semi-hippie.
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