Full Version: photoshop challenge - gomez vs. the jays
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<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>VG WINS!!!!!!!!11</span></marquee>
:bouncer: :banana: :bouncer: :banana: :bouncer:
We all know the real winner is Hybrid

This is just an elaborate way of him getting sigs
hehe sorry vg, but gomez is right about the rules being changed in chat. yours was good though. <3

rupture2rapture (1:15:30 AM): ok what are the rules then?
JoShRoBoT v 5 (1:15:43 AM): if i make a band sig, i dont want to be restricted to using only those pics
rupture2rapture (1:15:53 AM): what else are you gonna use...
IILyrical (1:16:03 AM): I say Band sig, any size
IILyrical (1:16:06 AM): photoshop only
... nah.... Gomez and I discussed the rules in chat.... with Hybrid as an unbiased observer... we agreed that it could be any size within reason, since Gomez and I differ....
.... dude, do you save everything?
I think he has a program that automatically saves all aim convos
pppfffftttt.... Photoshop is for people who don't have the talent to use MSPaint Rolleyes
aim+ mofucka. i have like every IM since september saved.
uh oh
Yes Moron, all the ads you see out there and all the band logos, cd covers, t-shirt designs, all made in MS-Paint
Quote:Yes Moron, all the ads you see out there and all the band logos, cd covers, t-shirt designs, all made in MS-Paint
i knew it :thumbs-up:
momo wins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... it still doesn't settle the true dispute...
By my count it's 2-1 in your favor?
...seems settled to me... :lol:
personally i vote for gomez. i like jay's alot also, but i just like how gomez blended the pics and the text and everything. you're both fucking amazing though.
... does his vote count?
I don't see why not, but if you think it shouldn't that's cool
Quote:Yes Moron, all the ads you see out there and all the band logos, cd covers, t-shirt designs, all made in MS-Paint

holy was a joke. i did it for a giggle. calm your ass.

Quote:yours was good though. <3

thanks <3

Look into it
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