Full Version: Should I punch her?
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Pages: 1 2
she's a fatty too?
I was no where near there today :moonie:
Quote:Screaming "IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!!" the whole time.
this made me laugh so hard i blew a snot bubble
I wanna work with Danked soooooo bad.
you should have killed her with a power drill
Besides the bat and club, only a letter opener and stapler were at hand. Undecided
Quote:I wanna work with Danked soooooo bad.
We need an enforcer. Someone who can hit the streets and shake some of these fuckers down who owe us money. Buying fucking Jaguars and Mercedes and acting all surprised when they're so expensive to fix.
Take me, please!!!!
Porno store next door is also looking for someone to organize the gay videos and dvds. The owner is afraid to touch that section. They're sticky.
BUt I wanted to work with you :-(
I'm just saying... a second job won't hurt. You can buy me pretty things.
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