Full Version: i just wanna say thanks
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to those wonderful 20-25 people who reserved the lounge at work to watch the superbowl. my team finally made it, it was supposed to be a great day in football for me. i was asked to work, figure, sure, why not, a little extra money and my team's playing, great. so, what makes someone think it's ok to make a reservation for 20 and not show up? it's not like you completely ruined my night or anything. i wasn't reduced to listening to the fucking superbowl on my walkman on my way home after spending 6 hours at work for no money or anything. so, yeah, i just wanna thank those people for completely ruining my night :thumbs-up:
dont trash my door on your way home
i don't live near you anymore fucknut
You should take a special trip.
I have to remember this one.