Full Version: If you were in prison and had a choice.........
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Arpikarhu Wrote:are you still having trouble adjusting to the outside? are you an institution man?
No I am just fine, but when ever I see garbage on the side of the Garden State Parkway, I get the urgde to stop my car and clean it up.
what were you in for? or were you innocent like everyone else?
I voted for gen pop. Those big negros don't scare me a bit. I'll just become friends with the uppity laundry worker and he'll keep me safe just like in America History X.
solitary confinement for me. with an occasional ass kickin' from the guards.

the strange part is i'd actually flourish in that enviornment.

so i'm a twisted individual who prefers to be alone. there's nothing wrong with that is there?
Arpikarhu Wrote:what were you in for? or were you innocent like everyone else?
Oh no I was guilty as charged. As for why I was in, well lets just say, the state of NJ, puts people in the work house for the most stupidest reasons.
Quote:No I am just fine, but when ever I see garbage on the side of the Garden State Parkway, I get the urgde to stop my car and clean it up.

<center>[Image: Broken.jpg]</center>
Doc Wrote:<center>[Image: Broken.jpg]</center>
Thanks Doc, I just found my new sig. :bouncer: :bouncer: :

Edited By Brokenjaw on Feb. 19 2002 at 1:14
I'm going with solitary you can insane quick and get a reason to be released. Got to love the justice system.
i'm going to say that since there's no chance of internet access either way, at least in solitary i can read AND write my manifesto...I mean memoirs.
Solitary for me. The voices in my head can make me their bitch, not Devo from Unit B.
Sephiroth Wrote:Solitary for me. The voices in my head can make me their bitch, not Devo from Unit B.
don't ninjas take cyanide if they're caught?
tough effin choice....i would hate to be stuck with the women that are in prison...but if i was in solitary, i think i would go effin crazy. just not going to ever go to jail, and thats cause i is a good grrl :bouncer:
Quote:tough effin choice....i would hate to be stuck with the women that are in prison

Wow, that image will get me through many a long and cold night :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Quote:Wow, that image will get me through many a long and cold night

but sounds like a nightmare to me Sad
I'd be in the Hole....................................................again :fuckoff: just not going to ever go to jail, and thats cause i is a good grrl :bouncer:

I'm with you on that :thumbs-up:

No prison for me...
I voted for gen pop. I'd love to be someone's bitch, but I'm sure you all knew that.
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:I voted for gen pop. I'd love to be someone's bitch, but I'm sure you all knew that.
Shit, all you have to do is call me for that! :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
Sean Cold Wrote:Shit, all you have to do is call me for that! :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
I'm one of the unspecial ones you never gave your number to sweetie. :disappointed:
Rape Fantasizer Wrote:
Sean Cold Wrote:Shit, all you have to do is call me for that! :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
I'm one of the unspecial ones you never gave your number to sweetie. :disappointed:
He's crazy but he ain't stoopid.
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