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I'm 2 out of 3 :banana:
you're gonna die :-(
Eventually we all die
Quote:It's ok if you're black and rich and destined to die.

Dont let the hip hop police hear that shit.
Benzino said that the only way for the black community to reclaim rap was to kill eminem and his daughter, I agree these wiggers are out of control.
When Benzino is able to beat Em in a straight up rap battle without using his magazine to launch an attack at Em I will care about what he has to say
If they wanna reclaim rap they should kill Russell Simons.
Like Nas said "the more publicity eminem gets the more publicity rap gets. if people aren't buying other peoples music maybe they should put out a better product cause my sales ain't hurting."

and "more people listen to eminem than benzino, so who gives a fuck?"
Nas should be asking himself why J-Z is getting to do a concert on Showtime and he's not.
And if Pac was still alive NAS wouldnt be shit.
But Benzino spoke on behalf of pac on his new eminem diss song, he said that pac would be on his side.
I don't think Pac would be best friends with Em, but I also don't see him hating Em, Pac respected skill
I'm sure Pac wouldnt like eminem your right about that. But Benzino aint shit. He's trying to boost his sales by picking a fight with the most popular dude in the game right now.
They interviewed almost every premier rapper recently on benzinos accusations that eminem is a fake who is taking away from other black rappers.

Nas, Jay-Z, Scarface, among several others either said they like the guy cause he is very respectful to everyone in the biz who extend him the same courtesy. Or that they don't necessarily like him personally but recognize his incredible skill.
Quote:Nas should be asking himself why J-Z is getting to do a concert on Showtime and he's not.

He knows why Jay is getting a special, I think the main reason he really dislikes Jay is because he knows Jay Z could do better. He knows the man has skill, but rather than work on his craft he puts out shit that appeals to the mainstream.
Someone should ask Benzino if he thinks Em is taking away from 50 cent.
Didn't you know?

Benzino thinks 50 is just a pawn in Eminem's game, he's there to give Eminem street credibility.

I can't wait to hear the DMX Eminem collaboration, it'd be cool if it was just a diss track, they could cover the spectrum from Benzino to Ja Rule
Nas sales are weak for Gods Son and its a good albumn i give him that but like Cam said.....Illmatic to Stillmatic but you still a faggitt.
Rap albums don't really sell in huge numbers, what eminem does is unheard of. 2 Million sales is huge for a rapper, I don't see even 50 selling more than 2-3 million albums.
Barry Manilow anyone?? :banana:
Hi kim, missed you darling :lookatme:

did you hear theres a new batman movie coming out with eminem as the lead and a cgi 2pac will be the villian.
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