Full Version: I'm cranky.
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I guess this would be a bad time to tell you I slept a little at work and then came home and slept till about an hour ago. :-D
I guess this would also be a bad time to double post?
When cranky go get some crank. That ought to rev you up.
<table style=filter:flipV>[Image: icon14.gif]</table>

Edited By Danked on 1044473913
Really all you will need is some; Drano, cough medicine and a bunch of other toxic crap. Sounds like fun? :crackhead:
I wanted to call out today
it's going a little better now, I've been chatting most of the day :thumbs-up:

and :thumbs-up: makes everything bettter
i just woke up a little while ago, i'm cranky too.
I'm quite cranky today too, but I've been too Damn busy to notice. :angry:
This day -- this WHOLE WEEK -- just sucks. :angry:
Hey.... after about 5-6 hours of running around taking care of customers and answering phones, this is the first time my office has been empty and quiet.

Sorry to hear about your kitty. :-(
Thanks. I'm really not a cat person, but he was my first real pet.
I found Danked a new avatar.
[Image: cranky.jpg]
Is that right? :angry:

Well I found you a new home.
Thatz funny
I am cranky once again.

just think buddy.... you could always laugh at people who wonder if their car is ready yet :thumbs-up:
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