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meanie! :disappointed:
i was going to get my hair cut today, since i couldnt get it done the other day. so out of not doing a Damn thing! at all!
I wanted to build an army of snowmen but this snow isn't good for it :-(
I knew the office would be open today, and not coming to work because of snow is never an option - moreso today, because we're closing the books for the month of January today. The commute wqasn't bad at all, but what sucks is there's absolutely NO CHANCE of me going home early because of the closing, and from what I heard this morning it looks like I might be in for a long night of work tonight :angry:
Quote:because we're closing the books for the month of January today


But, I'll be able to leave by 4 I think :banana:
i am not in my regular office today...and am the only employee besides the boss (who walks 2 blocks to get here)...should i leave at lunchtime out of protest cause none of her people bothered to come in??
<---still in his jammies too :fuggin:
Snow??? What is this snow you speak of??
fuck you...tomato! i hope atlanta gets an ice storm, just because
...i'd rather the Tomato kid gets gang raped by the entire roster of the Atlanta Hawks... but to each his own... :lol:
why not the Falcons?
Quote:I'm at work...who wants to meet at the Starbucks for a coffee?
Come to Wall Street!

I just got in a few minutes ago. I left my house at 8:45. I hate people and their stupid driving and I hate the feet are cold. :disappointed:
fuck all you jammie wearin faggetz
I wish I had someone to snuggle with when I got home. Tonight would be a good night to rent a movie and screw.
sorry but the snow will keep me in jersey
good thing your hands are right there for support, huh GW? :lol:
Quote:why not the Falcons?

sure.... throw them in there too... :lol:

Quote:fuck all you jammie wearin faggetz
jealouz biztch :fuggin:
Why would we wanna be in our jammies when we could be in our lovely cubicles? :-(
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