Full Version: You comin to hell? - We Can BBQ
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its my money! i can do what i want!!

i am going to turn it off and start cleaning the house soon. :-(
Arpi just went from Heaven to Hell
Like little LZ-homemaker?

He cleans for his wife too.
i am only cleaning up the pizza boxes,beer cans, and dirty clothes. the bitch can do the dishes and everything else!
Are you going to bang the living shit out of her when she gets home?
Does she know you talk about her this way?

I bet you make sure you log out and change your password frequently so she doesn't see what you say about her.
I guarantee he has an apron on right now and is washing dishes
Quote:Does she know you talk about her this way?
why? you didnt say anything did you?
Danked was so proud of it too, he bragged about how he exposed you

He deleted the thread before you came back
shit!! now i have to spend the night doing damage control!
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